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Restoration diary

Reports of restoration work on 50029 and 50030.

Announcement of working party dates and details of restoration work carried out at working parties.

Work party report 13 October 2024

Work party report 13 October 2024
​Jay Hirst, Dave Rolfe, Richard Dale and I were on site today. Dave spent the day loosening the levers that actuate the brake cylinders on the bogies of Repulse, as they are all bone dry and stuck having not operated for over 30 years. Jay assisted Richard making and wiring a new terminal bar for the DSD Speed Switch in the cupboard under the ...
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135 Hits

Work party report 29th September 2024

Work party report 29th September 2024
Dave Rolfe, Mark Burrows, Jay Hirst, Richard Dale and I were on site today. Mark finished fitting rubber strips inside the last of the air filter frame housings, barred round the power unit and oiled the turbos. Dave carried out various jobs around the locomotive. Jay helped Richard doing an endurance test on the internal and extern...
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230 Hits

Work party report 1st September 2024

Work party report 1st September 2024
Richard, Dave, and I were on site yesterday. Dave is continuing testing pipework and various valves in the air system of Repulse. He has also mounted the extractor fan above where the ETH generator sits. I fitted and wired the AWS sunflower & reset button in No.2 cab, while Richard finished connecting the two-core cable from the sunflower ...
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419 Hits

Work party reports 4th and 18th August 2024

Work party reports 4th and 18th August 2024
Exhauster fitted into place in 50030. Photo by Andy Rowlands.
Dave Rolfe has been putting air into the air system of 50030 at various points, looking for leaks, and inevitably, is finding a lot. He plans to work through the locomotive. This will reveal any more fractured, missing or broken airpipes. I added a new link wire between two terminal bars in No.1 cab as part of completing the unfinished DSD sys...
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582 Hits

Work party report 9th June 2024

Work party report 9th June 2024
I was away at a non-railway event this weekend but my electrical restoration partner Richard Dale kindly provided this report of work undertaken in the no 2 cab of 50030:"The brass panel light lamp holder was repaired, the missing porcelain instrument lamp holder was replaced with a like for like porcelain holder, the flex from the headlight invert...
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613 Hits