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Restoration diary

As one of RRRG's electrical officers I will write about my specialist field as well as general reports of work on site.

Work party reports update December 2018

Ian Kemp, Peter Carter and Dave Rolfe have been finishing off fitting pipework onto the ex-50008 power unit, and have started removing the injectors for inspection, before they go off for overhaul. Dave has been overhauling, cleaning and temporarily fitting items onto the brake frame so we know where everything goes. They will need removing to get the exhauster out (to be swapped for an overhauled one we have in stock), but this is being done so we know what goes where.

I have been fitting the rear mounting plates for the radiator fan resistors, and encountering stripped threads on the way, as well as more cleaning and painting around the electrical cubicle and the generator compartment. We've just taken delivery of the 20 new air filter frames to replace thoose in the worst condition, fabricated for us by MJ Classic Engineering of Nuneaton. I trial fitted some of these just to make sure they were a good fit, and the results were very impressive. Originally the catches for these frames were rivetted in place and we have yet to decide whether this is what we will do or use an alternativr means such as small self-tapping screws.

New air filter frames
Work party report 17th February 2019

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