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Restoration diary

As one of RRRG's electrical officers I will write about my specialist field as well as general reports of work on site.

Working party reports 26th July and 9th August

Working party reports 26th July and 9th August

On 26th July Pete and Ian rifled through our extensive spares collection to find pipework needed to refit to the ex-50008 power unit as its rebuild continues. I carried on refurbishing and painting the electrical cubicle doors and framework. I also rediscovered a large quantity of Class 56 electronic units that we had speculatively bought from scrap 56s at Booths several years ago.  We will investigate selling these on to fund our project and welcome expressions of interest.

​On 9th August Ian and Pete continued fitting pipework back onto the power unit, and cleaning and painting other pipework yet to be refitted. Wes Needle was working in the no.1 cab of 50030, refitting the horns, wiper motors and blades. Dave was continuing to clean up in the air filter compartment between the radiator and engine compartments. Ade Spencer of the Cotswold Mainline Diesel Group brought up the new CU5 rad fan control unit he's made for us to test fit and photograph, and I started making wooden brackets to prevent the cab windows from being opened from the outside, the same as I'd previously made for Thunderer.

Refitted oil (pink) and water (blue) pipes leading to the heat exchanger recently refitted to the 50008 power unit.
The oil filters and strainer were refitted to the power unit recently. The grey caps above the blue water pipe are the tops of the oil filter housing. One of these contains the strainer with the rest being filters.
Dave Rolfe continued to make progress cleaning out the air filtration compartment between the radiator and engine rooms.
The new CU5 radiator fan control unit was test fitted into 50030 and is seen alongside the CU7 ETH field detector unit.
Working party reports 12th and 19th July 2015
Working party report 6th September 2015

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