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Restoration diary

As one of RRRG's electrical officers I will write about my specialist field as well as general reports of work on site.

Working party reports April-May 2016

18th April 2016

I brought the good battery charge diode back and carried on cleaning and undercoating cubicle covers, scraped loose paint off the roof over the cubicle and finished re-threading the holes for the slotted covers right at the top of the cubicle.

Dave Rolfe has cleaned and painted the area behind where the fire bottles stand next to the generators in 50030.

Refurbished fire bottles area inside 50030.

1st May 2016

I had arranged for a representative of a company in Stoke on Trent to visit to inspect the radiators in Repulse, and those we have stored on top of the container. He said in his opinion the ones in Repulse are in much better condition than the ones left out in the open, and he could probably have room for them during July or possibly August, and asked me to contact him in late June to see exactly when they have space available. They can then give us an accurate quote for the work required.

Dave and Mark refitted the tarpaulin over the rad fan, which had become displaced due to high winds recently, while I bailed out a large quantity of water that had gathered on the floor below the fan. This revealed several areas where welding is required in the fan compartrment, and should hopefully be done once the radiators are out and the compartment cleaned of years of wind-blown debris.

15th May 2016

Dom Jackson and I continued to bell out the cabling in the electrical cubicle in 50030. We got through quite a bit, including all the cables from the AVR terminal board, battery charge ammeter shunt, ETH detector unit CU7, radiator fan control unit CU5, CU1 terminal board and the auxilary fuses.

Working party reports and updates January-April 20...
Working party reports May-June 2016

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