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Restoration diary

Reports of restoration work on 50029 and 50030.

Radiator lift from 50030

Radiator lift from 50030
We are grateful to a number of railway publications for publishing our press release at the start of 2017 describing the radiator lift from 50030.  We've deliberately held off putting anything on the Group website about this event in order to give the magazines some time to have exclusivity on the story. Now the story is well and ...
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Automatic voltage regulator purchased

RRRG has acquired a good condition, overhauled automatic voltage regulator (AVR) for use in 50029.  This continues our policy of obtaining spare parts whenever they appear on the market.  In this case the AVR was spotted as being for sale by RRRG volunteer Wes Needle, who informed Electrical Officer Andy Rowlands who in turn alerted me.&n...
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4662 Hits

Work party reports 22nd August, 19th September

On 22nd August Dave Rolfe and I were on site. Dave was having a good sort out of our storage as it had got a bit untidy, which was preventing us from finding items we need for the actual restoration project, and disposing of offcuts of some wood that we don't need. I carried on undercoating in the Thin Man's and a bit round the front of the cu...
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2016 Annual General Meeting and open afternoon

The 2016 Annual General Meeting of the Renown Repulse Restoration Group will be held at the Whitworth Centre Darley Dale at 10:00 on Sunday 25th September.  All members and shareholders are welcome.  Tea and coffee will be available for all attendees.  Following the conclusion of the AGM we will hold another open afternoon at our res...
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3965 Hits

Website updates

​The first of what will hopefully be a few website updates over the coming days.  The most recent issues of the RRRG newsletter, issues 30 and 31, are now available to view.  Issue 31 is currently restricted to viewing by RRRG members until the next issue is released.Issue 29:Issue 30:Issue 31:
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3295 Hits

Working party report 24th July 2016

​Dave Rolfe and I were on site today. Dave was freeing up one of the cab doors on Repulse while I carried on undercoating in the Thin Man's and over the cubicle inside the same locomotive.  Ian Kemp was on site the previous Saturday and they unbolted the remaining pipes and connections to the radiator fan currently inside 50030,...
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4209 Hits

Working party reports May-June 2016

The battery charge diode reinstalled in the electrical cuible inside 50030 after testing and repair.
New volunteer Andy Blofield getting his hands dirty for the first time.
​29th May 2016Dave Rolfe was helping remove usable parts from an old coach which is to be sent for cutting, and he asked for any electrical items he could salvage. He got two small steel cabinets and several lengths of conduit plus various elbows and tees. The smaller of the two cabinets could be useful as a connection box for the severed conduit o...
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4053 Hits

Working party reports April-May 2016

Refurbished fire bottles area inside 50030.
​18th April 2016I brought the good battery charge diode back and carried on cleaning and undercoating cubicle covers, scraped loose paint off the roof over the cubicle and finished re-threading the holes for the slotted covers right at the top of the cubicle.Dave Rolfe has cleaned and painted the area behind where the fire bottles stand next to the...
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3535 Hits

Working party reports and updates January-April 2016

Battery charge diode ex-50030 (left) and a spare from RRRG stores (right). The ex-loco component gave suspect results during routine testing and both were taken for more in-depth tests courtesy of another group.
​A compilation of work party reports since our last updates.25th January 2016Dave Rolfe and Peter Carter continued to put the new oil into the ex-50008 power unit, I refitted the reverser actuator cylinder and checked out the battery charge diode again, which still gave strange readings, and re-threaded some more of the electrical cubicle cover hol...
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3984 Hits

A host of updates coming soon...

Apologies for the radio silence folks.  RRRG hasn't shut down and ceased to exist.  It's more that we've been busy both on group matters and with our own personal lives.  A number of updates should follow later today.
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3028 Hits

Work party reports 30th November 2015 and 17th January 2016

Work party reports 30th November 2015 and 17th January 2016
The reverser for 50030 with the air connection temporarily attached to the actuator. We successfully operated the air valves from an off board compressor to prove we had the correct connections.
On 15th November, Ian, Pete and Dave continued filling the power unit with the new oil, checking for leaks along the way, and blanking off pipes that cannot be fitted before the PU is lifted back into Repulse. Dom and I continued belling out the electrical cubicle wiring, and completed all the cables from the compressor, rad fan, ...
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