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Restoration diary

Reports of restoration work on 50029 and 50030.

KV10 news

Preliminary discussions have been engaged in with a good contact who can overhaul KV10s.  RRRG has a good number of both KV10s and their control cards in our possession but we have no idea if any or all of them are actually serviceable!  For the uninitiated, a 50 has two KV10s: one controls the main generator field strength and the other the ETH generator field strength - the difference being the control cards in the KV10 which define its function (main or ETH generator).  We understand this same contact can overhaul CU1 control units (the "master brain" of a 50) and we hope to have more news on these electronic component overhauls in a month or so.

On site activity 25-26 Feb
Work party 17-18 March

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Comments 1

Guest - Paul Sturm on Sunday, 11 March 2012 17:34

As long as we now make sure we have our own cards inserted into our own "master brains" at all times, we should be allright and have the locos moving somewhere in the not too distant future!

As long as we now make sure we have our own cards inserted into our own "master brains" at all times, we should be allright and have the locos moving somewhere in the not too distant future!
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