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Restoration diary

As one of RRRG's electrical officers I will write about my specialist field as well as general reports of work on site.

Work party report 3rd September 2023

​Dave Rolfe, Carl and Sofy Looker, Richard Dale and I were on site today. Dave was removing pipework from the spare cab (formerly of 50037 Illustrious and purchased for this very reason), Carl and Sofy rubbed down and undercoated all four cabsides on 50030, then removed some cab handrails to de-rust and prime the difficult-to-get-at areas behind where they are bolted on. Richard removed the cover to the battery isolation switch, to check the connections to the BIS itself, and the shore supply and charging sockets, in preparation for starting to test the internal and external lighting. I was on infrastructure duties in the morning, organising who was doing what tasks, then greased the droplight mechanism on the Secondman's side of No.1 cab, refitted the panelling in front of it, and the lower panel of the change-end switch mounts to on the Driver's side.

Work party report 13th August 2023
Work party report 17 September 2023


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