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Restoration diary

Reports of restoration work on 50029 and 50030.

RRRG newsletter issue 45 released

Once again our newsletter editor Andy Rowlands has turned out a new issue of our news magazine "Raconteur", issue 45 - this one packed with pictures of the big engine lifts on 29th September 2020 (plural, yes, as two engines had to be lifted!). This issue is currently only available to paid up, logged in RRRG members.

Chairman Mark gives you a pictorial record with a timeline of the day.


Volunteers are rewarded with a pat on the back, plus the feeling that they did what they could do  when the time was there and a gradual increase in their shareholding from days worked on site.
The crane company and the contractors overhauling our turbos and electrical equipment are not that easily rewarded for services rendered.  They want hard cash!  And this is where the armchair members come in.  On the last page of this issue you will find a Standing Order Mandate Form which you may kindly fill out and send in to our Treasurer so as to provide RRRG with a steady income to pay all these bills. Smoke from the exhaust ports will be your reward!

A round of applause for all involved in this major operation, made possible by the very kind assistance (both in manpower and materials needed) from the experienced people of the Fifty Fund at Kidderminster (Severn Valley Railway).

At the risk of forgetting someone I should like to single out two members who have been working "low profile" to get this job done. Steve Hollis was our man liaising with the crane company and Dave Rolfe is our man who practically lives on site and doesn't particularly seek to be in the spotlight, rather quietly going about his volunteer job and giving guidance to the other volunteer workers.

Robert Burrows has highlighted a job which many volunteers without special skills could make themselves very useful at, ie giving our locos a good scrub!

He was clever enough to realise that this would be a great photographic opportunity and cleaned the side of Repulse that would be exposed to the cameras. Just compare the sight of Repulse with that of Renown and draw your own conclusions of what she could look like after a good scrub. Robert will be glad to put you up to a thing or two!

With the release of a new issue we are pleased to say that the previous issue, number 44, is now freely available for everyone to read.

Power unit lift 29 September 2020
A post-lockdown update


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