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Restoration diary

As one of RRRG's electrical officers I will write about my specialist field as well as general reports of work on site.

Work party report 10 March 2019

A good day on Sunday, despite the Arctic wind in the morning. Wes Needle had a very productive day. He started the day by cleaning the debris from under No.1 cab floor on the second man's side. Then, with Dave's help, they checked the operation of the handbrake mechanism under the floor. They found that the pivot nut required tightening and a new split pin fitting. They also took the opportunity to re-grease the pivots and chain gear. In the afternoon Wes fitted the new panelling to the second mans side in front of the droplight mechanism. It took quite a bit of work to align all the screws and bolts (32 in total) but eventually he managed to get it to fit. This area is starting to look quite good now but will need a final coat of paint.

I drilled, tapped and fitted the new cover Dave had made for a section of cable trunking, to replace one that was missing, undercoated it, then did more cleaning of the sides of the gen compartment, where the undercoat had become quite grubby in places from multiple oily hands. I dried it as best I could, but with the cold weather it was still too damp to paint.

Dave had also been cleaning, lubricating and painting spare parts for the bogie brake adjusters from our stock, ready to fit onto the bogies to replace the worn ones he'd previously removed.

No 1 end cab 50030 with panelling refitted.

Wes Needle refitted the panelling under the droplight and it now needs a coat of paint.

Bogie brake adjusters refurbished and ready for refitting to the bogies to replace worn adjusters removed previously.

Dave Rolfe has carried out cleaning, lubricating and painting up spare parts to replace the worn examples removed from the bogies.

Work party report 17th February 2019
Compressors update

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