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Restoration diary

Reports of restoration work on 50029 and 50030.

Announcement of working party dates and details of restoration work carried out at working parties.

Radiator fan motor lift and overhaul news

​A major step in the restoration of 50030 is to lift the existing radiators out of the locomotive so that they can be sent for professional overhaul.  Whilst we do have some spares, our assessment of them - backed up by professional judgement - is that the radiators inside the locomotive are in far better condition.  Whilst 50029 and 5003...
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Working party report 24th July 2016

​Dave Rolfe and I were on site today. Dave was freeing up one of the cab doors on Repulse while I carried on undercoating in the Thin Man's and over the cubicle inside the same locomotive.  Ian Kemp was on site the previous Saturday and they unbolted the remaining pipes and connections to the radiator fan currently inside 50030,...
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Working party reports May-June 2016

The battery charge diode reinstalled in the electrical cuible inside 50030 after testing and repair.
New volunteer Andy Blofield getting his hands dirty for the first time.
​29th May 2016Dave Rolfe was helping remove usable parts from an old coach which is to be sent for cutting, and he asked for any electrical items he could salvage. He got two small steel cabinets and several lengths of conduit plus various elbows and tees. The smaller of the two cabinets could be useful as a connection box for the severed conduit o...
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Working party reports April-May 2016

Refurbished fire bottles area inside 50030.
​18th April 2016I brought the good battery charge diode back and carried on cleaning and undercoating cubicle covers, scraped loose paint off the roof over the cubicle and finished re-threading the holes for the slotted covers right at the top of the cubicle.Dave Rolfe has cleaned and painted the area behind where the fire bottles stand next to the...
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Working party reports and updates January-April 2016

Battery charge diode ex-50030 (left) and a spare from RRRG stores (right). The ex-loco component gave suspect results during routine testing and both were taken for more in-depth tests courtesy of another group.
​A compilation of work party reports since our last updates.25th January 2016Dave Rolfe and Peter Carter continued to put the new oil into the ex-50008 power unit, I refitted the reverser actuator cylinder and checked out the battery charge diode again, which still gave strange readings, and re-threaded some more of the electrical cubicle cover hol...
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