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Restoration diary

Reports of restoration work on 50029 and 50030.

General news regarding the Group itself and its activities; actual hands-on restoration work news will appear in a separate category called "Work party news".

We haven't gone away!

​We haven't posted anything for a while by way of updates. Winter is always a quiet period for RRRG; Peak Rail is often closed in January and we concentrate on off-site work before resuming work parties in March. Except of course this year the global coronavirus pandemic struck and non-essential travel was curbed. So we couldn't resume on site work...
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New share certificates issued

For those who have increased their shareholding since November 2016 (either through outright share purchase, attending the workparty in Rowsley or through standing order mandate) new share certificates are going to be in the mail on Monday December 11th. The share certificate will represent the actual number of full shares (£100 each) held on December 1st of this year. A big thank you to all those shareholders who make it possible to continue the vital restoration work as done by both our volunteers and outside contractors!

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2017 Annual General Meeting

The 2017 Renown Repulse Restoration Group Annual General Meeting will be held at The Alexandra Hotel, 203 Siddals Road, Derby DE1 2QE at 11:15AM on 9th December 2017. The meeting will be held in the lounge with the usual selection of hot and cold drinks plus bar food such as filled cobs, pork pies and crisps available.If travelling by public transp...
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Radiator room progress September 2017

On Sunday I went to Rowsley to see Dave Rolfe and catch up on what's been happening, unfortunately no pictures as my car was so full of stock after a sales event that day that the camera wouldn't fit in it!I'm pleased to say the radiator room is very close to being finished, the only tasks that need doing before the radiators can go back in in are:...
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Radiators and other updates - part 2

Radiators and other updates - part 2
Refitting the overhauled heat exchanger to the ex-50008 power unit completes the oil circuit once more and allows us to keep barring the power unit over before it is installed in 50030.
This post is to continue from the previous article rounding up the progress RRRG has made in the first half of 2017.As we had lifted the radiator fan and its motor out of 50030 in order to remove the radiators themselves for overhaul, it seemed a good idea to get this sent off for overhaul at the same time as the radiators were being d...
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