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Electrical cubicle in 50030 showing aux contactors
Another picture showing the overhauled replacement traction motor contactors 6, 5 and 4 (l-r) and the main earthing and neutral terminal bars (below). The newly fitted arm and overhauled auxiliary contact block on M6 was found to operate correctly and as such all 14 wires from it have now been installed. An auxiliary contact block has also now been fitted to No.5 traction motor contactor, and its 14 wires connected. The coil wires on M1, 2, 3 and 4, have also been fitted. Several parts of the remaining motor arc arc chutes have now been cleaned up and two complete arc chutes have been made from the spare and broken sections. These have now been fitted into Repulse, completing the six we need for the motor contactors. 6 January 2008
2008, 50030, electrical cubicle, Jan-2008, January, restoration work, rewiring
4606 Tuesday, 10 July 2012 20:32 Friday, 20 July 2012 19:21