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Refurbished cylinder head refitted to ex-50008 power unit
Some of the old piston and con rod assemblies that were obtained as spares at the time the locomotives were bought from Operation Collingwood have been sorted out, and the gudgeon pins removed from six of the worst. Where found to be in good condition the pins were cleaned and greased for storage, the pistons were set to one side as spares, and the worst of the connecting rods put on the scrap pile (some had been cut and some were in a very poor condition following years of outside storage at the P and B). This picture shows a couple of the overhauled cylinder heads, pistons and liners refitted to the power unit. 10th May 2009.
2009, 50008 power unit, May, May-2009, restoration work
2099 Sunday, 15 July 2012 18:35 Monday, 16 July 2012 17:57