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Renown's ETH generator
The ETH Generator for Renown is seen stripped down, this has proved a useful template to assist with the refurbishment of the generator set for Repulse. Once 50030's generator set is completed, this one will be put back together with a good Auxiliary Generator, and put to one side to await its turn in a few years time. Unfortunately, this will be a far larger job as the ETH has significant damage to its armature, as seen in the next picture. We have since acquired a far better condition ETH generator for use in 50029 leaving this item as a repairable spare. 17th February 2009.
2009, auxiliary generator, Bowers, electrical machines, ETH generator, Feb-2009, February
4591 Thursday, 12 July 2012 19:54 Monday, 23 July 2012 16:17